Adding Code Highlighting in Blackboard's Question Import Format

Blackboard is a popular learning platform that many universities use to manage content and exams. One of the features that Blackboard provides is the ability to manage exams or question banks by importing files that follow a particular format.

In their documentation they offer a sample file with the format . Let’s analyze it quickly to get a rough idea of how it works.

MC	Which ocean is the warmest?	Atlantic	correct	Pacific	incorrect	Arctic	incorrect
MA	Choose all of the examples or types of carbohydrates	Galactose	correct	Fructose	correct	Melanin	incorrect	Sucrose	correct	
TF	Blaise Pascal was a 20th century sociologist who argued for the importance of identifying scientific laws that govern human behavior. 	false
ESS	Give a few examples where you can help preserve marine ecosystems. 	[Placeholder essay text]							
MAT	Match the following animals to their native continent	Bullfrog	North America	Panda	Asia	Llama	South America
FIB	___ is the silicate mineral with the lowest melting temperature and the greatest resistance to weathering.	Quartz
FIB_PLUS	"Four [a] and [b] years ago" is the beginning of the [c] delivered by [d].	a	score		b	seven		c	Gettysburg Address		d	Abraham Lincoln							
NUM	Approximately, how many species of birds are there?	10,000	1000	

The format is a tab-separated values file (tsv). The first field indicates the type of question. For instance, MC means multiple-choice, MA means multiple answers and TF means true or false.

Let’s import the first and the third questions to Blackboard.

Loading sample questions
Loading sample questions

After uploading our file, we’ll obtain two questions ready to use.

Viewing Our Questions
Viewing Our Questions

As we can observe, our file worked. The problem arises when we want to present code. In my case, I needed to present Java snippets. Although code can be syntactically correct if shown in one line, it is not easy to read, which is not a good experience for students.

I experimented with a few options, I tried embedding linebreaks with \n, and I also tried code fences but nothing worked.

After some trial and error, I noticed that embedding HTML worked. However, I needed to understand which CSS classes were necessary to properly highlight code.

Let’s analyze an example of a question that worked for me:

MC	Which line causes a compilation error? <pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">public class Main { <br>public static void main(String[] args) { <br>    Main obj; <br>    obj = new Main(); <br>    System.out.println(obj); <br>} <br>}</pre>	There's no error	correct	Line 1	incorrect	Line 2	incorrect	Line 3	incorrect

We can notice that inside the question, we have a <pre> tag that contains the code. In there, we add the ql-syntax class. Other than that, the rest is regular HTML with line breaks and spaces where needed.

Let’s analyze how the question was rendered after uploading it:

Question With Code Highlighting
Question With Code Highlighting

This approach also works for other types of questions such as TF, and for other programming languages such as Python. Let’s analyze another example.

TF	Will this Python script cause a runtime error? <pre class="ql-syntax" spellcheck="false">class MyClass: <br>    def __init__(self, value): <br>        self.value = value <br><br>obj = MyClass() <br>print(obj.value)</pre>	True	correct	False	incorrect

If we upload this question, we’ll obtain the following result:

Uploading a Python Question
Uploading a Python Question

Excellent! Our format also worked for Python code and a TF question.

In this post, we have analyzed how to leverage HTML and CSS styles to upload code-highlighted questions to Blackboard.

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